Victor Vaysse


1 picture 71 x 90 cm


Concours photo
Ma Samaritaine 2014
École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris

à propos

His photographs are black and white – or, to be more precise, in black and in white. His exploration of La Samaritaine’s neighbourhood is guided exclusively by light – how often a flat expanse or pool of light penetrates the dark and changes our perception of a space whose three-dimensional reality is reflected in a pattern of contrasts.  If varied shades of white converge on the shadow – black, of course - of a tree in an elegant movement, or white tones create the perspective of an image, it is essentially these splashes of white which delineate the space as landmark features. This eminently understated photographic approach – classic yet informal, seemingly effortless yet rigorous – challenges the very medium itself.  What is photography today, if not “writing with light”? – it’s just another way of saying that photography is a choice.