Pierre Seiter


3 pictures


Concours photo
Ma Samaritaine 2014
École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris

à propos

What is the point of images today? How to reproduce an urban space narrowly defined by geographical constraints? How to move around the area, rediscover it or get lost in it? Constantly questioning the relevance - or irrelevance - of images, Pierre Seiter decided to wander through a territory he perceived as closed. He depicted this closure - difficult to define, and also linked to the lack of detailed information in photography - by looking down at the ground, finding - or creating himself, who knows? - tiny scenes of disaster, framing bits of waste and meaningless fragments. Our gaze is trapped by his closed, contained images, and we do not really know why.

Behind the possible seduction of colours, a softness, a glimpsed character who passes by shielding her eyes, he poses the challenge of what we see. In “his” Samaritaine neighbourhood today, there is much to look at in detail, but little to see which makes sense overall. An abandoned district? Lost? Incapable of being reduced to a structured interpretation of the images or narrative, the impressions – while fleeting –  are not joyful ones…