Karen Knorr


Some questions (after brecht) in the year 2017
4 pictures 120 x 150 cm 


Ma Samaritaine 2017

à propos

Knowing that every photograph, however objective, always contains an element of fiction, Karen Knorr continually plays with the perception of reality, its appearance and what it hides. 

We discover her sense of colour in her work on La Samaritaine’s construction site, with animals appearing if by magic among the historical architecture and sumptuous settings. While these series have made her famous and she continues to develop these small visual brain-teasers by changing their locations and making them more complex, she has chosen a new approach to depict the transformation of La Samaritaine’s building. Using artificial hues and digital colourisation, the collection of images becomes a way of challenging – but not representing – the reality she is exploring.