Rodrigo Gomez Rovira


6 prints 60 x 90 cm
From the book « Palais du rêve », published in 2 unique copies 27 x 22 x 4,5 cm


Ma Samaritaine 2018

à propos

Hailing from the tradition of photojournalism and documentary photography – to which he remains attached – the Chilean national learned his craft in France when his family went into exile to escape the Pinochet dictatorship. His work progressively embraced a more subjective approach, or rather a growing attention to the shaping of his photography, including literary echoes, combined with archive images, family memories and rediscovered visual traces. As founder and director of the Festival Internacional de Fotografía de Valparaíso (FIFV), a major event in Latin American photography, he has made books a prominent part of the agenda.