Nica Junker


15 pictures 60 x 60 cm


Ma Samaritaine 2013

à propos

n the difficult exercise of combining photographs and text, in this unique way of bringing a concept and a poetic vision into existence, one immediately recognises the unclassifiable work of this young artist. The Samaritaine, initially an emotional encounter as the images show, very quickly became a subject for reflection on the passage of time, consumption, the cessation of things - which can be reborn - and the building, in its elevation, became a project structure. The finesse of the execution, the fine colours, the subtle alliances avoid any heaviness that could threaten such a project. "I would like the ambivalence of the photo and the juxtaposed text to be a starting point for imagining the successive "rings" of the building - as personal as the wrinkles of a human face - and those events that have marked its period, just as each wrinkle of a face tells an episode of the wearer's life."