Mats Gustau


1 picture 183 x 144 cm
1 picture 103 x 129 cm


Concours Photo 
Ma Samaritaine 2014
École Nationale Supérieure Des Beaux-Arts De Paris

à propos

Black and white? Certainly in terms of shooting technique, to add contrast to color.  Using a visual approach combining architecture and sculpture to depict three-dimensional objects, Mats Gustau’s photographs lead us into a contemplation of them as new elements. The angles he selects - casual, moving away from the formal dictates of the genre – appear unconventional, yet his images display a sweetness, a sensuality that we are not used to seeing in a staircase or the wall of a decaying building. 

This approach stems from drawing - his other passion – as photos are, after all, just variations of grey, ranging from deep hues to velvety mattes. Not greys that blend into the background, but as he himself says, "grey as a color", enabling us to better understand his aim to “investigate the neutral colors relating to memory and oblivion” – a relevant question, it must be said, for the neighbourhood at the moment.