Emeric Lhuisset


1 picture


Concours photo
Ma Samaritaine 2014
École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris

à propos

Syria, Ukraine, other battlefields, crisis hot spots, tension and wars - Emeric Lhuisset zeros in on testifying, reacting, questioning how they are perceived - or not - through the media and information networks. While Syria may seem far away, Ukraine is much closer – yet we refuse to see this reality, perhaps not wanting to imagine that war is happening on our doorstep.  Concerned by this “collective indifference", the photographer offers us a stark glimpse of a potentially dramatic situation. What if a war took place in Paris, with tanks in our streets, and snipers on the steps of our metro stations, or around La Samaritaine? A deserted city, empty public spaces, the population missing, eliminated or taking shelter elsewhere - a few discreet signs highlight this potential situation, under the blinding glare of the spotlight, but with no impact.