Elina Brotherus


2 pictures 70 x 52 cm
2 pictures 90 x 120 cm
3 pictures 70 x 93 cm 
3 pictures 80 x 106 cm


Ma Samaritaine 2018

à propos

Although she figures in almost all her photos and videos, the young Finnish photographer is everything but a narcissist. With a healthy dose of humor, considerable compassion and a continually renewed sense of fantasy, she demands the right – rendering it indispensable – to have fun in order to preserve, insofar as possible, feelings, emotions and perceptions that hark back to childhood. She recognizes that art is the last domain where this game and its inventions are still permitted. She welcomes the heritages informed by her intimate knowledge of painting, which she expresses in the subtlety of her color compositions.  A true colorist whose work has been shown around the world, she also uses her body to establish scale and invent spaces that she expects photography to reveal. This becomes another form of physical engagement.