A cinematographic distinction at la Samaritaine


In 2022, La Samaritaine has the honor to be one of the 22 sites selected by the European Film Academy to become “Treasure of European Film Culture”.

With TREASURES OF EUROPEAN FILM CULTURE, the European Film Academy highlights places of a symbolic nature for European cinema, places of historical value that need to be maintained and protected not just now but also for generations to come.

Indeed, let us recall the many films which took place on the Samaritaine site :

- A view of the facade of La Samaritaine appears in the film Au bonheur des dames, by Julien Duvivier (1930).

- A long sequence of the film Les Moutons de Panurge in 1961 was shot at La Samaritaine.

- The film Bébert et l'Omnibus in 1963 was partly shot at La Samaritaine.

- The place appears briefly in the film Tatie Danielle in 1990 during the car ride in Paris.

- The film Au bonheur des ogres, released in theaters in 2013, was shot at La Samaritaine in 2012.

- Part of the film Holy Motors by Leos Carax was shot there.

- Nocturama, released in theaters in 2016, was filmed in this store during the summer of 2015.

- In The Memory in the skin, released in theaters in 2002, the movie includes a scene where we see Jason Bourne aiming at his contact on the roof of La Samaritaine.

A plaque will soon be affixed to signify this distinction on the walls of La Samaritaine.

©Salem Mostefaoui

©Jared Chuslki

A cinematographic distinction at la Samaritaine
A cinematographic distinction at la Samaritaine
A cinematographic distinction at la Samaritaine